
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Clarissa Marceli;” ,找到相关结果约833条。
Qualidade de vida em idosas: a importancia da dimens?o subjetiva
Irigaray, Tatiana Quarti;Trentini, Clarissa Marceli;
Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-166X2009000300003
Abstract: the aim of the present study was to analyze the concept of quality of life in elderly women, demonstrating what is important for them, as well as those aspects that may improve or detract from their quality of life. the sample consisted of 103 elderly women that answered questions concerning socio-demographic information and a questionnaire consisting of four open questions about their subjective perception of quality of life. the convenience sampling method was used. the data were categorized according to analysis of the content. the results showed an association between the concept of quality of life and positive affects, health and independence. the factors identified as being important to quality of life were positive affects, health and a good financial situation. the aspects that adversely affected their quality of life were social situation, health problems and family problems. the following aspects may improve their quality of life: better health, more leisure time and fewer family problems. the study indicates that quality of life is determined by multiple factors, involving physical, psychological and social aspects.
Assessing executive functions in older adults: a comparison between the manual and the computer-based versions of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Wagner, Gabriela Peretti;Trentini, Clarissa Marceli;
Psychology & Neuroscience , 2009, DOI: 10.3922/j.psns.2009.2.011
Abstract: executive functions (ef) are a group of high-level cognitive processes that control and direct lower-level abilities in order to produce goal-directed behavior. because these functions are a multidimensional entity, they can be assessed using different tests. one of the tests often used to evaluate ef is the wisconsin card sorting test (wcst). the wcst is a task that involves hypothesis testing, identification of concepts, resistance to interference, switching categories, and inhibition. two versions of the task have been used in neuropsychological testing, but little is known about their equivalence. in this study, we investigated the performance of two groups of elderly people in two versions of the task: manual (cards) and computer-based. fifty-four healthy elderly participants took part in this study; half of the sample was assessed with the computer-based version of the wcst, while the other half performed the manual version. there were no differences between the two versions of the task in our sample of elderly participants (total number correct, perseverative errors, percent conceptual level responses, and number of categories completed). in this sense, the results provide evidence for the equivalence of both versions in the assessment of ef in healthy elderly participants.
Gabriela Peretti Wagner, Clarissa Marceli Trentini
Psychology & Neuroscience , 2009,
Abstract: Executive functions (EF) are a group of high-level cognitive processes that control and direct lower-level abilities in order to produce the goal-directed behaviour. Because these functions are a multidimensional entity they can be assessed using different tests. One of the tests often used to evaluate EF is the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The WCST is a task that involves hypothesis testing, identification of concepts, resistance to interference, switching categories and inhibiting. Two versions of the task have been used in neuropsychological testing, but little is known about their equivalence. In this study, we investigated the performance of two groups of elderly in two versions of the task, a manual (with cards) and a computer-based. 54 healthy elderly participants took part in this study; half of the sample was assessed with the computer- based version of WCST, while the other half performed the manual one. There were no differences between the two versions of the task in our sample of elderly participants (total number correct, perseverative errors, percent conceptual level responses, and number of categories completed). In this sense, we believe that we provided evidences for the equivalence of both versions when assessing EF in healthy elderly participants.
Qualidade de vida, cogni??o e desempenho nas fun??es executivas de idosos
Beckert, Michele;Irigaray, Tatiana Quarti;Trentini, Clarissa Marceli;
Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-166X2012000200001
Abstract: the relationship between quality of life and cognitive function in the elderly has been neglected by research. the aim of this study was to examine the association between quality of life, cognition and the performance of executive functions in elderly people. eighty eight elderly people participated in the study and the convenience sampling method was used. all the participants answered questions on socio-demographic conditions, quality of life (world health organization quality of life group-bref), cognitive function (minimental state examination and brief neuropsychological assessment instrument) and executive functions (wisconsin card sort test). the data retrieved showed an important association between the physical and environmental domains of quality of life and cognitive variables. this is turn suggests the importance of cognition in the maintenance of physical care, as well as in the chances of acquiring new information and skills in the surrounding environment.
Discutindo procedimentos psicométricos a partir da análise de um instrumento de avalia??o neuropsicológica breve
Pawlowski, Josiane;Trentini, Clarissa Marceli;Bandeira, Denise Ruschel;
Psico-USF , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-82712007000200009
Abstract: there are still some outdated and unstandardized psychological tests in brazil. this evidence points to the lack of researches about validity, reliability and normative data of psychological tests to be used with brazilian people. besides, there are few instruments to assess damaged cognitive functions caused by brain injuries. the purpose of this paper is to discuss the psychometric study of neuropsychological tests theoretically and to give the example of neupsilin, developed to assess some cognitive functions briefly. more specifically, we will point the difficulties of developing psychometric methods to neupsilin validation, as well as suggest solutions to these difficulties.
Os métodos de investiga o na pesquisa junto a cuidadores de idosos com a doen a de Alzheimer
Trentini, Clarissa Marceli,Gon?alves, Marcia Toralles Avila
Psico , 2009,
Abstract: O objetivo deste levantamento bibliográfico foi averiguar os métodos de investiga o na pesquisa junto aos cuidadores de idosos com a Doen a de Alzheimer (DA). Este estudo de revis o abordou pesquisas publicadas entre os anos de 2004 e 2009, por intermédio de buscas sistemáticas efetuadas em bancos de dados eletr nicos, tais como LILACS, MEDLINE, PSYCINFO e SCIELO. Foram localizadas 28. 959 publica es relacionadas a cuidadores: MEDLINE (21. 308), PSYCINFO (6. 723), LILACS (739) e SCIELO (189). O refinamento das buscas possibilitou a localiza o de pesquisas específicas sobre cuidadores de idosos com DA e demonstrou que os métodos empíricos e quantitativos de pesquisa est o presentes na maioria dos estudos. Investiga es que proponham métodos qualitativos e/ou a integra o de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos s o sugeridas, visto que os resultados indicaram que a op o pelo método de análise qualitativo foi escassa.
A presen a da doen a de Alzheimer e suas repercuss es na dinamica familiar
Irani I. de Lima Argimon,Clarissa Marceli Trentini
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Envelhecimento Humano , 2006,
Abstract: O presente trabalho aborda a doen a de Alzheimer (DA) e o seu impacto na família. Por meio de uma breve revis o teórica discute-se a dinamica familiar a partir da presen a de um diagnóstico de DA num de seus elementos. Explanam-se dados históricos e estatísticos, bem como cren as, valores de autonomia, auto-estima e modifica o de papéis. Por fim, é apresentada uma proposta de interven o para situa es de exaust o na família.
A percep??o de qualidade de vida do idoso avaliada por si próprio e pelo cuidador
Trentini, Clarissa Marceli;Chachamovich, Eduardo;Figueiredo, Michelle;Hirakata, Vania Naomi;Fleck, Marcelo Pio de Almeida;
Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-294X2006000200008
Abstract: the objective of this study was to look into the relationship between the older adult's quality of life (qol) perception and the perception of the same qol in the caregiver's opinion. therefore, 27 pairs of old adults-caregivers were assessed. elders were asked to answer questions on socio-demographic conditions, qol (whoqol-100), and depressive symptomatology (bdi). caregivers were asked to answer the same items concerning themselves as well as the adapted whoqol-100. data show a tendency for the caregiver to answer with worse elder's qol estimation as compared to the caree's. despite this, accordance between the results of qol perceived by the elder and the caregiver's opinion in the physical, level of independence, environment and spirituality/religion domains were observed. the intensity of depression in the elder plays strong influence on their own quality of life perception as well as on the perception of the caregivers about the elders.
Representa??es do envelhecimento em agentes comunitários da saúde e profissionais da enfermagem comunitária: aspectos psicológicos do processo saúde-doen?a
Fonseca,Rochele Paz; Trentini,Clarissa Marceli; Valli,Felícia; Silva,Rosane Azevedo Neves da;
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232008000400024
Abstract: this paper addresses the aging process in the context of public health, with emphasis to human resources and to how aging is perceived by the public health professionals. the aim of this study was to identify the representations of the aging process for public health professionals and how these representations are expressed in health care, well-being and elderly care. the sample included 27 public health professionals, 10 community health agents and 17 nursing professionals. two instruments were used, a sociocultural questionnaire and a questionnaire about aging representations. data analysis included qualitative and quantitative procedures (chi-square test). among the main findings, the most representative words used in relation to aging were retirement and rest. for this sample, good family support and care were considered the most important factors contributing to the well-being of the elderly. when it comes to defining care, the most frequent concept referred to biological aspects. moreover, this sample in general showed some knowledge about alzheimer disease. these findings can contribute to the capacitation of human resources. health agents and nursing professionals should be guided towards construction of a deeper comprehension of the biopsychosocial context of the aging process.
Viabilidade da estimativa de QI a partir dos subtestes Vocabulário e Cubos da WAIS-III
Wagner, Flávia;Pawlowski, Josiane;Yates, Denise Balem;Camey, Suzi Alves;Trentini, Clarissa Marceli;
Psico-USF , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-82712010000200009
Abstract: the aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of estimating the intelligence quotient (iq) in adults based on two strategies that use vocabulary and block design subtests of wechsler adult intelligence scale (wais-iii). seventy-seven men and women participated of the study, with mean age of 39.1 (sd=13.4). wais-iii subtests were administered and questionnaires were used to verify inclusion criteria for participants without neurological or psychiatric impairments. a statistical method proposed by bland and altman was used to evaluate the agreement between both strategies to estimate iq. results suggest that iq estimates derived from both strategies only agree with the iq derived from the full battery in a few cases of the sample. considering these findings, caution is suggested when using these strategies to estimate adults' iq.

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